The Isles of Scilly: Weather, Climate and Tides
Weather and Climate
The Islands boast amongst the mildest and warmest climate in the UK. Often referred to as the sunshine isles, they benefit from more hours of sunshine than other regions - averaging 7.6 hours a day in July.
The UV index in Scilly is generally higher than the mainland as there is little air pollution and this makes the air clarity high. High factor sun protection is essential as you may find you burn more quickly and more easily.
Scilly has an early spring which means the flowers bloom early. It is very rare to have a frost in Scilly, and it has snowed only a handful of times in the last 25 years. Inclement weather in Scilly generally comes in the form of gale force winds in the winter months as the islands are unprotected in their isolated position in the Atlantic Ocean.
Scilly is particularly pleasant between May and September and the majority of visitors choose this period for their holiday. However, the Easter holidays and October half term on Scilly can be lovely – the perfect destination for an early or late break.

For weather forecasts, try the following:
The sea temperature ranges between 8°c and 16°c throughout the year.
Tides around the Islands
Tides have a huge impact on island life, particularly for travel between the islands. Every island will be accessible every day, but boat times may be affected, as well as where you get dropped off – at the main quay or on the beach! Full information will be provided by the boatmen prior to travel.

A favourite activity during big “Spring” Tides (which don’t just occur in the Spring) is to walk between the islands at low water. The channel between Tresco, Bryher and Samson is the most popular, although on the largest tides it is also possible to walk between Tresco and St Martins as well. Just remember to check the boat time for your return unless you fancy a swim!
At low water you can also walk across the sand bars between Pelistry Beach and Tolls Island on St Marys, St Agnes and Gugh, or across the rocky bar between St Martins and White Island. Again, be aware of the tide times to make sure you get back before they are covered by the sea!
Check tide times online at Mobile Geographics, or pick up tide tables at many stores throughout the islands.